5 Common Myths About Contraceptives

Contraceptives, like pills and condoms, are some of the most commonly used medications in the world. But despite their popularity, there are a lot of misconceptions about them. In this blog post, we’ll dispel five common myths about contraceptives. Read on to learn more.

1. Hormonal Birth Control Makes You Gain Weight

Despite what you may have heard, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that hormonal birth control causes weight gain. A German study has found no link between weight gain and the use of hormonal contraceptives.  Oral contraceptives have not been found to “cause additional weight gain, a perception of additional weight gain, nor discontinuation because of weight gain.”

2. Birth control causes cancer.

There are mixed opinions on whether birth control causes cancer. The use of oral contraceptive pills has been linked to an increased link of breast and cervical cancer. Women who used contraceptives had a 7% more risk of breast cancer than those who never used them. The risk lowers even further when stopping the use of oral contraceptive pills and there was no evident risk 10 years after use had stopped, according to a study by the ICRF Cancer Epidemiology Unit, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, UK.

Oral contraceptives have also been associated with an increase in cervical cancer risk. Those who have used them for 5 years or more have a 10% increased risk and that goes up to a 60% increased risk for those who have used them for 5 to 9 years.

However, ovarian, colon and endometrial cancer rates are lower in women who have used hormonal contraceptives, including oral hormonal contraceptives and hormonal IUDs when compared to those who have never used them.

3. Withdrawal is an effective birth control method.

Withdrawal is the least effective birth control method. According to the World Health Organization, 4 out of 100 women per year with the consistent and correct use of this birth control method get pregnant and 20 out of 100 women per year as withdrawal commonly used get pregnant. On the other range of the spectrum, modern contraceptives such as implants, and IUDs are offering high effectiveness with far less than 1 out of 100 women getting pregnant with those methods.

4. Birth control can prevent STIs.

Most forms of birth control methods do not offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases. WebMD says condoms and abstinence are the only effective methods for preventing STIs.

5. Birth control damages fertility.

There is no evidence that birth control damages fertility. In fact, some types of birth control may actually improve fertility by helping to regulate a woman’s cycle.

Also, birth control does not cause long-term infertility. If a woman stops using birth control and wants to get pregnant, there is no need to wait before trying to conceive. The sooner a woman starts trying to conceive after stopping birth control, the greater her chances of success.

However, some types of birth control can cause temporary side effects that may impact fertility. For example, the hormone progesterone in some types of birth control pills can make it more difficult for the body to ovulate. This effect is usually reversed when a woman stops taking the pill.

Make Informed Decisions About Your Reproductive Health

At Aspivix we stand for our mission to advance women’s healthcare. A large part of this mission consists of addressing concerns that women have about their reproductive health and educating society about the common myths surrounding contraceptives, we hope to help women make informed decisions when it comes to their reproductive health. If you have any questions or concerns about birth control, please contact your health care provider about the best method for you.

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